

The house was built in the late 1800’s and has four floors. The old original kitchens in the basement is now our luxury Garden Apartment. The dumb waiter shaft, where the food was sent up by the cooks from downstairs to the dining room, is still there although we do not think it is operational. The ground floor dining room has been restored as best we could to the original Victorian style although our candle lights have bulbs now rather than oil lamps!

There are bedrooms on the ground, first and second floors. The first floor has the grand old drawing room which many years ago previous owners converted into two rooms but the wonderful cornice was thankfully retained. The top floor, where the maids and cooks would have slept, is also now comfortable bedrooms. The butler would have slept in the coach house with the horses at the rear of the house, but unfortunately this must have been sold a long time ago.

The entire house has modern central heating so is always warm; very important in our chilly winters!